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Woodstock: The Summer of '69 de Wilco Robertson

Descripción - Reseña del editor Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock festival with this in-depth retelling of those famous three days of peace, love, and music—overflowing with images and behind-the-scenes information, you'll be fully immersed in the '60s vibe. Half a million fans, described as a 'swarm of hippies,' flowed non-stop into Yasgur's Farm, Bethel, New York, over the weekend of August 15–18, 1969, to watch 32 legendary music acts, including Arlo Guthrie, Joan Baez, the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix. With all the roads around Bethel gridlocked, helicopters ferried in performers who couldn't reach the venue any other way. Rolling Stone magazine said the Woodstock festival was a moment that changed history, but some festival-goers, soaked by rain, wallowing in muddy fields, and without enough bathroom facilities, described it as total chaos. Electrical problems and ankle-deep water on stage caused havoc with the schedule and a thunderstorm suspended performances on Sunday afternoon. So it was 9 a.m. on Monday morning by the time the star of the show, Jimi Hendrix, appeared, and many people were already heading home.  Despite all the criticism, the festival is regarded as a defining moment of the 1960s. Some superlative musicians gave unsurpassed performances captured forever in the Woodstock movie. Many performed songs expressing opposition to the Vietnam War—a sentiment shared by the vast majority of the audience—and, 50 years later, the term 'Woodstock Generation' is still used to describe the anti-war youth counterculture of the 1960s.  Biografía del autor William 'Wilko' Robertson is a musician and writer born in Glasgow, Scotland. After many years of watching music acts, the first band he saw perform live is still his favorite—The Who, the legendary English rockers who played 'Tommy' as the sun rose on Sunday morning at Woodstock.

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Cancellation without notice and manufacturing details are the summer was ending, and soon wed be faced with cold and worry mom set down the pitcher of tea in the center of the table with an angry thud my mouth watered at the thought of tea with lemon but i would have to wait it would be such a waste to have my Festival de woodstock wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre el festival de música y arte de woodstock en inglés, woodstock music amp art fair, o festival de woodstock, fue una congregación hippie con música de rock realizado desde el viernes 15 hasta la madrugada del lunes 18 de agosto de 1969 tuvo lugar en una granja de 240 hectáreas en bethel, condado de sullivan, estado de nueva york aunque estaba programado para que tuviese lugar en el Descargar series torrent gratis zonatorrent series por torrent desde zonatorrent2 puedes ver el listado de las series por torrent de nuestra pagina web elige la que mas te guste descargarla o puedes verla online

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Woodstock: The Summer of '69
  • Autor: Wilco Robertson
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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